Prep Your Outdoor Plumbing for the Winter Freeze (Source: - used as royalty free image)

Didn’t it seem like just yesterday that you were lounging by Lake Michigan in shorts and t-shirts (maybe it was Monday)? Now you’re dreading the hustle inside from your car and watching your breath turn to steam in the chilly air.

Like it or not, winter is coming to Red Oak. And while lots of homeowners know how to keep up their water heaters and indoor pipes throughout the season, too many of us neglect our outdoor plumbing fixtures, only to suffer the consequences come spring.

Ready to get a jump on the springtime thaw? Here are four surefire ways to get your outdoor plumbing for the winter freeze:

1.) Winterize Your Pipes

Have any outdoor pipes? Exposed points where outdoor lines enter your indoor system? Do what you’d do for any chilly family member, and toss them a blanket!

Obviously, we’re not talking about fleecy sheets or patchwork quilts; instead, use heat tape or other insulating materials to prevent your pipes, lines, or spigots from freezing and bursting.

2.) Shut off Your Hose Bib

Your hose bib is small and unassuming – until it goes bad after being exposed to months of the worst that a Red Oak winter has to offer. Small and exposed, hose bibs tend to freeze in colder weather, and many are the site of undiagnosed leaks and drips.

To prevent cracking and flooding during the big thaw, make sure that you shut off the water supply to your hose bib. And detach any hoses, splitters, or other items attached to the bib to make sure they're free of standing water. Take care of your hose and sprinkler systems now, or you may just need to replace your bib come spring.

3.) Turn Off Your Sprinkler System

If you have an in-ground sprinkler system on a timer, be sure to turn off and unplug the timing unit – these can sustain power surges in the winter months. Similarly, before the freeze settles in, “blow out” your irrigation system to make sure that it’s completely drained.

4.) Drain Standing Water

Winter is the time of year when the spots we turn for summertime fun turn frigid, dark, and even dangerous. With that in mind, take special care at the start of the cold weather season to make sure that your pools and ponds are ready for the season.

For pools, those rare pool-owning Red Oakans, lower the water level substantially, treat the water with algae-preventing chemicals, cover the pool, and disconnect the pool pump. Similarly, if your property has a natural or man-made pond, try to drain it partially, as freezing water could break any surrounding rocks or lead to overflow.

And, finally, take care to make sure your gutters are cleaned of standing water, autumn leaves, and any debris: Blockages and snow can lead to unwelcome leaking and water damage.

Have any more questions about keeping your home safe through a brutal Red Oak winter? Want to get a jump on your system’s upkeep, before disaster strikes? Combat Plumbing is here to help! Whatever the weather, drop us a line for all of your HVAC and plumbing needs!

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